NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH(Parkesia noveboracensis) – (See images below)
DESCRIPTION: The Northern Waterthrush top parts are brown with a light-colored or white eyebrow. The under parts are white and streaked with brown, and some individual have a yellowish belly. The legs are rather long and pinkish-grey, and the bill is grey. Sexes are similar. Juveniles have beige underparts. It is rather large for a wood warbler, at around 12 cm (5 inches) long.
NAME: Although a warbler, the northern waterthrush is thus named due to its habits. The Latin genus name ‘Parkesia’ was given in honor of K.C. Parkes, an American ornithologist. The species name ‘noveboracensis’ is Latin for ‘New York’.
HABITAT: Bogs and wetlands such as along streams, lakes and ponds in coniferous forests (mostly).
DIET: Forages on the ground and on water for insects and crustaceans.
NESTING: Nests on or near the ground, in a cavity on a stump close to the water. Between one and five white eggs are laid, incubated by the female. Chicks fed by both parents. Nest parasitized by Brown-headed Cowbird in southern range.
DISTRIBUTION: Breeding range encompasses Canada and Alaska up to the tundra, and northeast USA. Wintering range includes southern Mexico, the Caribbean, Central America, and the northern part of South America.
ON PEI: Breeds on Prince Edward Island, fairly common in spring and summer.
CONSERVATION: Being common and widespread, this warbler is not at risk currently.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Ovenbird, Swainson’s Warbler
REFERENCES: (Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas)
Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas (Northern Waterthrush)

Northern Waterthrush – Réserve naturelle Marais-du-Nord, QC – Cephas
Northern waterthrush, QC, by Cephas