RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET (Regulus calendula) – (See images below)
DESCRIPTION: The Ruby-crowned Kinglet male has a red crown (usually hidden) on the head. Upper parts are grey with some green, and under parts are green. Females are similar except for the red crown. Bill, legs and feet are grey, eyes are black. The bird is around 10 cm (4 inches) long.
NAME: The English name ‘Kinglet’ stems from the bright head feathers. The Latin genus name ‘Regulus’ means ‘little prince’, and the Latin species name ‘calendula’ means ‘glowing’ (for the ruby crown).
HABITAT: Coniferous forest in summer, mixed forest and shrub land in winter.
DIET: Mostly insects in summer, berries and seeds in winter. Forages in trees.
NESTING: Nest is built high in a conifer. From six to twelve light beige eggs are laid, incubated by  the female. Chicks fed by both parents.
DISTRIBUTION: Breeds in Alaska and Canada up to the tree line, also in USA Rocky Mountain coniferous forests.  Migrates to south USA and Mexico for the winter.
Distribution map:
ON PEI: Breeds on Prince Edward Island and common.
CONSERVATION: When flying back from migration, the ruby-crowned kinglet, along with dozens of other species, is vulnerable to collisions with windows, particularly from high-rise buildings in cities. The city of Toronto is especially challenging because it is located by Lake Ontario and is in the middle of a well-traveled migration route.
NOTES: Very active bird, flicking tail frequently.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Golden-crowned Kinglet
REFERENCES: (Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas) (University of Michigan)

Ruby-crowned kinglet, male – Apr.30, 2017 – Rustico, PEI – Matt Beardsley
Ruby-crowned kinglet male, Matt Beardsley
Ruby-crowned Kinglet – May 10, 2013 – Kathy McCormack
Ruby-crowned kinglet, by Kathy McCormack