BLUE-HEADED VIREO(Vireo solitarius) – (See images below)
DESCRIPTION: The Blue-headed Vireo head is actually blue-grey. The back is olive green and the under parts yellowish except for a white belly. It has two whitish wing bars, and a white eye ring. The bill and legs are dark grey. Sexes are similar. This bird is around 13 cm (5 inches) long.
VOICE: –  Some vocalizations of this vireo are similar to those of the American Robin.
NAME: The name ‘Vireo’ refers to the green color and the species Latin name ‘solitarius’ means ‘solitary’.
HABITAT: Forests.
DIET: Insects, spiders, berries.
NESTING: The nest is usually built near the ground in a tree. About About four white eggs are laid, incubated by both parents, who also both feed the chicks. The nest can be parasitized by the Brown-headed Cowbird in some areas. The blue-headed vireo is known to build its nest near raptors that don’t prey on them, possibly as a type of protection.
DISTRIBUTION: The majority of the population breeds in Canada. It is widely distributed through the eastern half of North America. The blue-headed vireo migrates to the south-eastern USA nd Mexico, and Central America.
ON PEI: Breeds in Prince Edward Island, common.
CONSERVATION: The population of this species has increased in the last few decades, and it is currently not at risk. However there is a high rate of hatchling mortality due to many predators raiding the nest.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Philadelphia Vireo, White-eyed Vireo
REFERENCES: (Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas)
Minnesota Breeding Bird Atlas (Blue-headed Vireo)

Blue-headed vireo, by Dominic Sherony
Blue-headed vireo, by Dominic Sherony
Blue-headed vireo, Feb. 2006
Blue-headed vireo, Feb. 2006