RED-EYED VIREO(Vireo olivaceus) – (See images below)
DESCRIPTION: The Red-eyed Vireo has olive green top parts, and white under parts. The eyes are red as the name implies. The bill is black. Head crown is grey. There is a white band above the eye. Sexes are similar. It is a small passerine at 13 cm (5 inches) long.
VOICE: – Tireless singer with an apparent record of 20,000 songs a day.
NAME:  The English and Latin genus names ‘vireo’ means ‘green’, and the Latin species name ‘olivaceus’ also refers to the color green.
HABITAT: Forest, prefers broad leaf trees.
DIET: Insects, especially caterpillars, also berries in the winter.
NESTING: The cup-shaped nest is placed on a tree branch. Nest location protects from parasitic Brown-headed Cowbird. Two to five white eggs are laid, incubated by the female. Chicks fed by both parents.
DISTRIBUTION: Breeds through most of Canada and the USA. Winters in South America, mainly the Amazon valley.
Distribution map:
ON PEI: Breeds in Prince Edward Island, very common in spring and summer.
CONSERVATION: Widespread and abundant, not at risk.
SIMILAR SPECIES: Philadelphia Vireo, Tennessee Warbler, Warbling Vireo
REFERENCES: (Maritimes Breeding Bird Atlas) (Missouri Department of Conservation) (Montana Field Guide) (University of Michigan)

Red-eyed Vireo – Homestead Trail, PEI – June 15, 2013 – Roberta Palmer
Red-eyed vireo, PEI, by Roberta Palmer
Red-eyed vireo, front view – Homestead Trail, PEI – June 15, 2013 – Roberta Palmer
Red-eyed vireo, PEI, by Roberta Palmer